Terms of Hire


1. The Hirer is the person or entity hiring Shurdington Community Centre, or any part of the Hall, for a stated period of time and thereby entering into a contract with Shurdington Community Centre.

2. The Hirer agrees to be bound by, and comply with, the Terms of Hire.

3. The Hirer shall be responsible to comply with all applicable Rules, Regulations and Guidance during the time of hire and shall be solely responsible for compliance.

4. The Committee reserves the right to refuse or cancel any booking should the Hirer, in the opinion of the Committee, fail to disclose the true purpose of the hiring or make any representation as to the hiring which is false or fail to disclose any fact which in the opinion of the Committee is material to this agreement.

5. The Hirer shall not permit smoking anywhere inside the Community Centre.

6. The Hirer is solely responsible for any damage caused to the Hall or its environs.


7 The Committee shall always give priority to bookings in the following order:

  1. Registered Charity or “not for profit” Shurdington organisation benefitting the Village (e.g. social or sports committee)
  2. Resident of Shurdington for social and “not for profit” use (e.g. birthday party)
  3. All others (e.g. resident of Shurdington running a dance class for profit)

Any dispute over priorities will be resolved by the Committee, whose decision is final.

8 All bookings should be made through the Hall Master booking system accessed through www.Shurdingtoncomcentre.net, via e-mail, or telephone call.  All bookings will be administered by the Hall Master booking system.

9 Hire fees shall be set by the Committee and may be reviewed at any time. Those published on the website are current at the time.

10 The following rooms may be hired singularly or together.

  1. Century Hall, including the Sobey Suite
  2. Millennium Hall

11 Certain bookings are considered to be “high risk”. These are events after 1800 hours which are not sponsored by Shurdington Committees or are regular group bookings. They shall attract an additional fee of £30 and shall be levied on a case by case basis to ensure that the Community Centre is fit for the next user and that the premises are secured for the night.

12 Hire Fees, and Deposits if applicable, should be paid through BACS or by exception a cheque. All cheques will be banked on receipt. Deposits, if applicable, will be returned in full to the Hirer by the Treasurer within seven days after the event has been held subject to all Terms of Hire being complied with, and the supply of the hirers BACS details. If the Terms of Hire are not complied with, a portion of the deposit will be retained at the discretion of the Committee.

13 Bookings may be made up to 12 months in advance of the date of hire. Payment is due not less than four weeks in advance of the date of the hire. Payment for bookings made less than four weeks in advance shall be paid at the time of booking. Where bookings are made and payment is not received in line with these requirements, the booking will be cancelled.

14 The booking rate in force at the time of making the booking is secured.


15 If the Hirer cancels the booking within four weeks of the event, 50% any monies paid shall be forfeit. If the Hirer cancels the booking within two weeks of the event, 100% of any monies paid shall be forfeit.


16 The Hirer shall be solely responsible for obtaining from the appropriate authorities all necessary consents for the display of advertisements both at the  Community Centre and elsewhere and shall indemnify The Committee in respect of any claims, costs, fines and other liabilities arising from any breach of legal regulations.

17 The Hirer shall be responsible for the observance of all regulations appertaining to the premises stipulated by the Fire Authority, the Local Authority, and the Local Magistrates Court, or otherwise.

18 The Hirer shall be aware that the Hall operates under a Premises Licence. This stipulates the licensable activities and times that these activities may be carried out. Compliance with the requirement of this License is mandatory. This Licensee is displayed in the Hall. The License does not provide for the sale of alcohol.

19 The Hall does not have a Licence to sell alcohol. The Hirer shall advise the Committee at the time of booking if they intend to sell alcohol and shall be solely responsible for obtaining a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) from Tewkesbury District Council. The Committee will not unreasonably withhold permission for the sale of alcohol but the Hirer should be aware that only a limited number of TENs are available annually .

20 The Hirer should be aware that the Hall has a joint PRS/PPL License and there is no requirement for Hirer to obtain one.

21 Regulation and Guidance requires the operator of each separate food business using the Hall to register as a Food Business provided certain criteria are met. These criteria are that the Food Business shall be considered to be a continuous and organised undertaking. It is the responsibility of the Hirer providing food to determine whether or not they are exempt from the Regulations. The Committee is not responsible for any food prepared and served by Hirers, or their contractors, in the Hall.


22 The Hirer shall provide their own insurance cover for public liabilities where they charge for entrance or for participation in their activities.

23 The Hirer, during the period of hire, shall be responsible for supervision and care of the premises, the fabric and the contents, making every attempt to prevent damage however slight.

24 The Hirer shall be responsible for any damage done to any part of the property including the curtilage thereof and the contents of the building during the period of the hire as a result of an act or omission on their part.

25 The Hirer will be responsible for the behaviour of all persons using the premises whatever their capacity, including proper supervision of car parking arrangements to prevent obstruction of the adjacent highway.

26 The Hirer shall comply where appropriate with the Committee Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements which are available for inspection on request.

27 The Committee shall not accept liability for any loss or damage to property belonging to any person attending any function organised by The Hirer howsoever such loss or damage occurs or for persons suffering any illness resulting from food provided by the Hirer.

28 The Committee shall not be liable to The Hirer for any resulting loss or damage whatsoever in the event of the Hall or any part thereof being rendered unfit for the use for which it has been hired by any cause.

29 The Committee shall not be liable to the Hirer for any resulting loss or damage to equipment or asset stored in the Hall, such equipment or asset which shall be covered by the Hirers own insurance

30 Hirers are expected to meet all of their legal and moral obligations in relation to children and young people.


31The Hirer shall not sublet the premises.

32 The Hirer shall not use the premises for any unlawful purpose.

33 The Hirer shall ensure that all electrical equipment brought to the Hall and used by them has been subject to Portable Appliance (PAT) Testing and so identified.

34 The Hirer shall not store any equipment or asset in the Hall without prior permission of the Committee. Any equipment or asset stored without permission will be removed.

35 The Hirer shall not allow the Hall to be used for any lewd or salacious purpose which could, in the opinion of The Committee, bring the Hall into disrepute.

36 The Hirer shall not bring onto the premises anything which may endanger persons or the premises, or which would invalidate any insurance policies. This includes explosives and flammable substances. No internal decorations of a combustible nature (e.g. polystyrene, cotton wool, straw, sacking, paper) shall be brought on to the premises in large quantities.

37 Performances where there is identified danger to the public are not allowed.


38 The Hirer shall at the end of their hire period leave the premises and surrounds in as clean and tidy a condition as they would wish to find it. If, in the opinion of the Committee, the toilets, kitchens or floors are not left clean or there is minor damage to the Hall or assets, a charge may be levied to cover any charges incurred in rectifying the situation.

39 If furniture is hired from outside the Hall it must be removed immediately at the end of the hire period. If it cannot, alternative arrangements shall be agreed with the Committee.

40 All Hirers should be aware that the toilets are a shared facility with all rooms in the Hall and that inconvenience may result.


41 Hirers shall not inconvenience the next Hirer when bookings are consecutive and shall vacate the Hall at the end of the hire period. All preparation and clearing up time arising from the event shall be done within the hire period. Should there be an overrun, then an additional payment shall be due at the rate applying at the time.


42 The minimum booking for any unit is one hour.

43 If the Hall is required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary or Local Government election, or as an emergency shelter the Committee reserves the right to cancel any hiring. The Hirer shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid.

44 The Hirer shall not exceed the maximum number of persons for each area of the Hall. This information is on the website


45 These shall include: 

  • · Deep fat fryers
  • · Fireworks
  • · Chinese Lanterns

This list may be extended at any time by the Committee